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meet your farmer

Anna has been dreaming of her own flower farm since her first job at a small cut-flower operation in Vermont in 2012. Strawflower Farm is the realization of that dream. Since that first farming job, she has honed her farming skills in Nantucket, Virginia and Maine, where she managed a vegetable CSA for New American Farmers. She is currently the Development Coordinator for Veggies to Table in Newcastle, a nonprofit grow-to-donate farm.


Anna has always believed in the therapeutic benefits of surrounding oneself with plants; flowers, veggies, fruits, she loves it all. She loves to play with flower combinations, both fresh and dried, and she is thrilled to be bringing the beauty and many benefits of plants to her community.


about the farm

Strawflower Farm grew out of a mown field in Cumberland, back in 2021. After two years working the land there, and having so much fun learning about soil requirements for thriving flowers, she has moved the operation to Georgetown, ME, to be closer to her home in Bath. Strawflower Farm is a no-till, chemical-free operation.

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